02 Paint

Q1 : What do you call the ability of one or several coats of paint which cover after drying another color underneath?

a   opacity
b   a glaze
c   a paste

Q2 : Who invented the artificial lead pencil (a mixture of clay and pulverized graphite)?

a   Leonardo da Vinci
b   Michelangelo
c   Nicolas-Jacques Conté

Q3 : Why do they call the extract from the precious stone lapis-lazuli Ultra-marine blue?

a   it was brought over by boat elle
b   because of its tint
c   no to confuse it with ultra-green

Q4 :What is the name of the common ferrous clay whose colors go from light red to purple?

a   ferrusine
b   argilusine
c   sanguine

Q5 : What do you call an application of transparent color on another pigment?

a   a glaze
b   a mellowing
c   an empasto

Q6 : From what tree do you get gum-arabic which helps inks and watercolor paints?

a   plane tree
b   acacia tree
c   oak tree

Q7 : What is the method of harmonizing zones of color so that you can't tell where they end?

a   blending-wash
b   opacifying
c   coloring

Q8 : What is the black liquid made up of smoke black, gelatin and camphor?

a   sanguine
b   china ink
c   watercolor (aquarelle)

Q9 :In the Middle-Ages, what did they disolve in gum water  to obtain an ink equivalent to Chinese Ink? 

a   candle smoke black
b   porc hairs
c   slate

Q10 : What is the term used to designate the application of a thick coat of paint to create a texture?

a   blending-wash
b   opacity
c   empasto

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