03 Colors

Q1 : What percentage of people prefer blue?

a  40%
b  70%
c  15%

Q2 : What is a two color print called?

a   monochrome
b   dualomany
c   bichromia

Q3 :Which color reemits its total rays?

a   yellow
b   black
c   white

Q4 : What is the study of the phenomenon of the perception of color and the human eye?

a   ophtamology
b   eyeologie
c   colormetry

Q5 : What is the name of the condition of someone who cannot see the color green?

a   greenanormal
b   deuteranormal
c   anomalovertal

Q6 : What is the name of the condition which only permits you to see all the colors in two dimensions, usually yellow and blue?

a   anomachromacy
b   blueyellownortal
c   dichromatic

Q7 : What percentage of people prefer red?

a   12 %
b   60 %
c   6 %

Q8 : What do you call the capacity of a body to block the transmission of light rays?

a   opacity
b   antiluminosity
c   blackness

Q9 : How many names do the Esquimos of Greenland have for the different varieties of snow?

a   about 30
b   about 50
c   1

Q10 : What percentage of people prefer green? 

a   1%
b   17%
c   65%

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Music Gallery
PURCELL, Henry (1659-95); Engl.
A New Irish Tune Segovia arr. (D.Lovell)