01 Colors

Q1 : What is the complementary color of red?

a green
b yellow
c orange

Q2 : Is white a color?

a yes
b no
c sometimes

Q3 : Who stated the theory of color?

a Da Vinci
b Einstein
c Newton

Q4 : How many primary colors are there?

a 7
b 9
c 3

Q5 : Which is a complementary color of orange?

a blue
b yellow
c green

Q6 : Where is the secondary color placed on the chromatic color wheel?

a right next to its opposite
b diametricaly across from its opposite
c it isn't on the color wheel

Q7 : What is another name for secondary colors?

a ordinary colors
b binary colors
c auxiliary colors

Q8 : Which color is the rarest in nature?

a green
b blue
c orange

Q9 : Is black a color?

a yes
b no
c sometimes

Q10 : What is the complementary of purple?

a red
b green
c yellow

see the answers

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PURCELL, Henry (1659-95); Engl.
A New Irish Tune Segovia arr. (D.Lovell)