Terms & History of Ceramic 01

Roman ceramic   representing Pharao

Q1 : Where does the term "ceramic" come from?

a   Latin
b   Greek
c   Berber

The basic material of pottery, which hardens during baking, is a sedimentary rock with a hydrated aluminum oxide silicate base....

Q2 : What is this material?

a   clay
b   slate
c   quartz

Q3 :What is the major difference between pottery and ceramic?

a   the deformation
b   bridling
c   baking

Ceramic product made of clay and sand , it is the most unalterable material made by man... 

Q4 : What is this ceramic product?

a   Alunite
b   Stoneware
c   Manganite

soldats en terre cuite de l'armée de Xian (China)

Q5 : What is the common name of hydrated aluminum silicate with nearly no iron and very white, which was at one time very sought after.

a   Anatase
b   Platine
c   Kaolin

Ceramic is formed with the four fundamental elements of Aristotle: earth, air, water, and fire.

Q6 : Which major historical development originated with ceramics?

a   commerce
b   hydrometry
c   metallurgy

Q7 : Which component  since the Neolithic times permitted the standardized   fabrication of ceramics.

a   workers
b   the use of molds
c   navigation

aolin : term that came from "Kaoling" meaning high cliff

Q8 : Which country did the term "Kaolin" come from?

a  China
b  Mexico
c  Switzerland

Q9 : Near which big French city was the first Kaolin deposit found in 1768?

a  Carcassonne
b  Nancy
c  Limoges

Mercure pétré ;  grès (sandstone) ferrugineux cassé, (Westphalie)

The first writings were impressions made into baked tablets.

Q10 : What type of writing was it?

a  cuneiform
b  hieroglyphics
c   Greek calligraphy

Lire l'article E-Novateur : Picasso céramiste par Caroline Lhonneux

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